Addressing the "No One is Really a Soul Winner" Argument | Pastor Manny's Rants - Ep. 14
The Bible Does Not Condone Slavery | Pastor Manny's Rants - Ep. 13
The Catholic Heresy of a Deified Mary | Pastor Manny's Rants - Ep. 12
Whoever Told You it is Never Right to Judge Others Lied to You | Pastor Manny's Rants - Ep. 11
Stop Comparing Your Church, Your Preacher, and Yourself with Others | Pastor Manny's Rants - Ep. 10
According to the Bible, Not Supporting Israel is Bad for Our Nation | Pastor Manny's Rants - Ep. 9
You are Replaceable | Pastor Manny's Rants - Ep. 8
Rethinking Street Preaching | Pastor Manny's Rants - Ep. 7
Get Rid of a Critical Spirit | Pastor Manny's Rants - Ep. 6
Stop Being So Thin-Skinned and Easily Offended | Pastor Manny's Rants - Ep. 5
Growing Up IFB and Loving It | Pastor Manny's Rants - Ep. 4
Is the KJV Really too Hard to Read? | Pastor Manny's Rants - Ep. 3
Should We Stop Arguing about the KJV and Just Focus on Soul-Winning? | Pastor Manny's Rants - Ep. 2
What Flavor of Independent Fundamental Baptist are You? | Pastor Manny's Rants - Ep. 1
Introducing a NEW SERIES called.... Pastor Manny's Rants!